This form has a maximum of 6 pages

To book interpretation or translation services, please complete this form, providing your full contact details and telling us the time and date when you require the service.

This form is designed to take bookings from both internal customers (other council departments) and external customers - partner agencies and individuals. Priority is given to agencies, although we can in some circumstances provide interpretation for members of the public. Please note that there is a fee for this service.

Royal Greenwich Interpreting Service also takes bookings over the phone. For all your language needs, call 020 8921 3928 and tell us your name your language and your telephone number.

Please tell us as clearly as possible what language you need the interpreter to work in.

Charges for interpretation and translating services


A charge of £40 per hour and £20 for every half hour after (plus travel £5 Oyster daily fee for within the borough sessions) will be made for language interpretation provided by RGIS list of interpreters.

For other languages we can arrange for freelance interpreters. However, charges are likely to be higher. In these cases, the charges will be agreed with the referrer as part of the pre-confirmation booking.


Translation work is charged at £30 for the first 100 words plus £10 for each subsequent 100 words.

British Sign Language

British Sign Language (BSL) freelance interpreters will charge a flat rate of between £90 and maximum of £110 for two to three hours (plus travel). 

Two BSL interpreters will be needed for sessions longer than two hours.

All Royal Greenwich Interpreting Service (RGIS) transactions are subject to VAT (external customers only).

Contact the Interpreting Service 

If you need to contact us, you can do so using the following details: