Published: Tuesday, 20th February 2018

The Scrutiny Committee needs your suggestions for topics to review.

Important decisions that affect everyday life in Greenwich are made by Councillors elected to serve on the Council – but that's not the end of it. 

All decisions and policies are open for scrutiny by a cross-party body called the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and its six Panels.

Local residents and groups can put forward topics or items for consideration each year.

What does the Scrutiny Committee do?

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee carries out in-depth investigations into areas of public concern, reviews policies, monitors performance of Council services and looks at the decisions made by the Council's Cabinet to ensure projects give value for money and meet local needs.

Part of its role also involves monitoring and challenging the work of external organisations and public bodies such as the health service, the police and Transport for London.

Over the past year the Committee has examined many topics including the support provided to residents and communities who suffer from anti-social behaviour, street cleansing issues and a review of the Greenwich Mind charity.

Suggest a topic for review

The Committee is now setting its new work programme for 2018 to 2019 and residents are invited to suggest what should be considered.

You can ask your local Councillor to put forward proposals or you can directly contact the Scrutiny Team on 020 8921 5044 during office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Please send your suggestion by Wednesday 7 March 2018

'Important opportunity to discuss issues of concern'

Councillor David Stanley, who chairs the Committee, said: "It's important that the Committee is focused on residents' concerns so that our work programme can make a real difference to people's lives. Please get in touch if you have an item that you think should be reviewed."

Leader of the Council, Councillor Denise Hyland, said: "Scrutiny Panels provide people with an important opportunity to discuss issues of concern and suggest improvements. This can include all public services including heath, transport and policing as well as council services."

When the committee meets

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee and its panels meet throughout the year in Woolwich Town Hall. All meetings are open to the public, and you can also put forward questions in advance of any meeting.

Upcoming meetings include:

  • Wednesday 21 February - Corporate Finance and Performance Scrutiny Panel, 7pm
  • Thursday 1 March - Housing and Anti-Poverty Scrutiny Panel, 7pm
  • Thursday 8 March - Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel, 6.30pm